Hatiku Surgaku Rumahku Surgaku

Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

setrum warsito purwo taruno



Dengan namaMu ya Allah, aku berlindung dari kejahatan penyakitku ini.



Biarlah kesucian itu ada pada kami, jika Tuhan menghendaki.

3. Doa menjenguk orang sakit

اللّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ أَذهِبِ البَأسَ اشفِ أَنتَ الشَّافِيء لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاوءُكَ شِفَاءً لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا

Allaahumma rabban naasi Adzhibil ba’sa Isyfi Antasy syaafi’ Laa syifaa’a illaa syifaa-uka syifaa-an laa yughaadiru saqaman

Artinya : Wahai Allah Tuhan manusia, Hilangkanlah rasa sakit ini, Sembuhkanlah. Engkaulah Yang Maha Penyembuh. Tidak ada kesembuhan yang sejati kecuali kesembuhan yang datang dari-Mu Yaitu kesembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan komplikasi rasa sakit dan penyakit lain.
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Jl. Jalur Sutera Kav. Spektra Blok 23 BC No. 10-12, Alam Sutera, Panunggangan Timur, Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15320 

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alternatif terapi antikanker selain kemoterapi dan radioterapi

Alat bisa disewa (pasien dirawat di klinik) atau bisa dibeli, 

harga perunit +/- Rp.10juta (di tahun 2017)

Waktu layanan dari pk.09-16 wib

1. Hari Senin-Kamis : Registrasi dan pemeriksaan untuk pasien baru

2. Hari Jumat : Konsultasi untuk pasien lama

3. Hari Sabtu-Minggu : Tutup

Syarat Pengajuan ECCT :

A. Jabodetabek, langsung datang dengan membawa :

1. Fotocopy KTP Pasien
2. Fotocopy Wali / Perwakilan
3. Data-data hasil pemeriksaan medis seperti : (salah satu)
a. CT Scan
b. PET Scan
c. Mammography
d. MRI

Harus ada : Hasil pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Tes Darah Penanda Tumor /Tumor Marker

Catatan : Semua dokumen tertulis (bukan foto) seperti yang disebutkan diatas harap difotocopy (hasil analisa dokter spesialis)

4. Surat rekomendasi Dokter (jika tidak ada bisa diganti dengan surat pernyataan yang ditanda-tangani diatas meterai Rp.6,000.—bahwa pasien secara sukarela untuk menggunakan alat terapi)

5. Sketsa simple tentang gambaran posisi kanker pasien.

6. Data fisik pasien (tinggi dan berat badan)

7. Ukuran spesifik pasien :

a. Kanker Otak dan Nasofaring
- Lingkar kepala
- Lingkar leher
- Tinggi alis-dagu
- Panjang dagu-leher belakang
- Panjang ujung mata kiri-ujung mata kanan

b. Kanker payudara dan Paru paru
- Lingkar dada
- Lingkar perut
- Panjang ujung bahu kiri-ujung bahu kanan - Tinggi bahu – pinggang

B. Luar Jabotabek, dokumen diatas dikirim via paket ke alamat PT.Edwar Technology (konfirmasi dulu).

About Dr. Warsito P Taruno

Dr. Warsito Purwo Taruno, M.Eng, the founder of CTECH Labs EdWar Technology and its current CEO, has more than 20 years of experience in the field of tomography. He earned his Bachelor’s and Masters’ degrees in Chemical Engineering and his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Shizuoka University, Japan.

One of his research milestones is the invention of Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) in 2004 during his research collaboration with Professor Liang-Shih Fan and PhD student Qussai Marashdeh at Ohio State University.

Recognized for his expertise and leadership, DR Warsito Purwo Taruno has held numerous positions in government and academics. He currently serves as the chairman of the Society of Indonesian Scientist and Engineers (MITI) since 2004. He previously served as a deputy minister of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in 2009-2011.

In regard to academic positions, DR Warsito is a faculty member at the department of physics of University of Indonesia. He was a visiting professor at King Saud University, University Kebangsaan Malaysia and Shizuoka University. DR Warsito has authored more than 100 scientific papers and patented 8 patents.

He currently serves as an voluntary reviewers at IEEE Sensors Journal (USA), Measurement Science and Technology (IOP, London), Flow Measurement and Instrumentation (Elsevier, London), and a member of Scientific Committee of International Society of Industrial Process Tomography.

Publications by Dr. Warsito P. Taruno

Peer Reviewed Journals and Conference Proceedings

1. Fei Wang, Qussai Marashdeh, Liang-Shih Fan and W. Warsito, “Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography: Design and Applications,” Sensors 2010, 10, Pages 1890-1917.

2. Q. Marashdeh, L.-S. Fan, B. Du, and W. Warsito, “Electrical Capacitance Tomography ? A Perspective,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2008, 47 (10), 3708-3719.

3. Qussai Marashdeh, Warsito Warsito, Liang-Shih Fan and Fernando Teixeira, “Dual imaging modality of granular flow based on ECT sensors,” Granular Matter, Volume 10, Number 2/January, 2008, Pages75-80.

4. Marashdeh, Q.; Fei Wang; Liang-Shih Fan; Warsito, W.,”Velocity Measurement of Multi-Phase flows Based on Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography,” IEEE Sensors, 2007, Volume , Issue , 28-31, Page(s):1017 – 1019

5. W. Warsito, Q. Marashdeh, & L.S. Fan, “Electrical Capacitance Volume-Tomography,” IEEE Sensors Journal (2007), Vol.7, 4, 525-535.

6. W. Warsito, Q. Marashdeh, & L.S. Fan, “Some comments on “Spatial imaging with 3D capacitance measurements” by R.Wajman, R. Banasiak, L. Mazurkiewicz, T. Dyakowski and D. Sankowski (Meas. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17 (2006), pp.2113–2118),” Meas. Sci. Technol. 2007, 18 3665-3667.

7. Q. Marashdeh, W. Warsito, L.-S. Fan, and F.L. Teixeira “Multimodal Tomography System Based on ECT Sensors”. IEEE Sensors Journal, (2007), VOL. 7, NO. 3, 426-433.

8. Q. Marashdeh, W. Warsito, L.-S. Fan, and F.L. Teixeira, “Nonlinear Forward Problem Solution for Electrical Capacitance Tomography Using Feed-Forward Neural Network”. IEEE Sensors Journal, (2006), 6 (2), 441-449.

9. Du, Bing; Warsito, W.; Fan, Liang-Shih. “Behavior of the Dense-Phase Transportation Regime in a Circulating Fluidized Bed”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,(2006), 45 (10), 3741-3751.

10. Du, Bing; Warsito, W.; Fan, Liang-Shih. “Flow Dynamics of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds with Evaporative Liquid Injection”, China Particuology,(2006), 4 (1), 1-8.

11. Du, Bing; Warsito, W.; Fan, Liang-Shih. “Imaging the Choking Transition in Gas-Solid Risers Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2006, 45, 5384-5395.

12. Q. Marashdeh, W. Warsito, L.-S. Fan, and F.L. Teixeira: “A nonlinear image reconstruction technique for ECT using a combined neural network approach”. Meas. Sci. and Technol., 17 (2006), 2097–2103.

13. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Dynamics of spiral bubble plume motion in the entrance region of bubble columns and three-phase fluidized beds using 3D ECT,” Chemical Engineering Science, (2005), 60, 6073 -6084.

14. B. Du, W. Warsito, L.S. Fan, “ECT Studies of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds of Different Diameters”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., (2005), 44, 5020-5030.

15. B. Du, W. Warsito, L.S. Fan, “ECT Studies on Choking Phenomena in a Circulating Fluidized Bed” AIChE Journal 50 (7), 1386-1406 (2004).

16. W. Warsito, B. Du & L.-S. Fan, ”Electrical capacitance tomography imaging of gas-solid and gas-solid-liquid fluidized bed systems,” Journal of Visualization 7 (1), Frontispiece (2004)

17. W. Warsito, B. Du & L.-S. Fan, “Real-time ECT studies of choking phenomenon and flow behavior in a FCC riser,” Japanese J. of Multiphase Flow 17(3), Frontispiece (2003).

18. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Neural network multi-criteria optimization image reconstruction technique (NN-MOIRT) for linear and non-linear process tomographic imaging of two- and three-phase flow systems,” Chemical Engineering and Processing, 42 (8-9),663-674, 2003.

19. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “ECT imaging of three-phase fluidized bed based on three-phase capacitance model,” Chemical Engineering Science, 58, 823-832 (2003).

20. B. Du, W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Bed Nonhomogeneity in Turbulent Gas-Solid Fluidization,” AIChE J 49(5), 1109-1126 (2003).

21. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan “3D-ECT Velocimetry for Flow Structure Quantification of Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidized Beds,” Canadian J of Chem. Eng. 81, 875-884 (2003).

22. B. Du, L.S. Fan, F. Wei & W. Warsito, “Gas and solids mixing behavior in a turbulent fluidized bed,” AIChE J 48, 1896-1909 (2002).

23. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Neural Network Based Multi-Criteria Optimization Image Reconstruction Technique for Imaging Two- and Three-Phase Flow Systems Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography,” Meas. Sci. and Technol. 12, 2198-2210 (2001).

24. L.S. Fan, R. Lau, C. Zhu, K. Vuong, W. Warsito, X. Wang & G. Liu, “Evaporative Liquid Jets in Gas-Liquid-Solid Flow Systems,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 56, 5871-5891 (2001).

25. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Real time measurement of flow structures in gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flow systems using electrical capacitance tomography,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 6455-6462 (2001).

26. M.B. Utomo, W. Warsito & S. Uchida, “Analysis of hydrodynamics of slurry bubble column with TiO2 using ultrasonic computed tomography,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 56, 6073-6079 (2001).

27. Y. Suzuki, W. Warsito, M. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Liquid-Solid Separation of Photo-catalyst Induced by Ultrasound,” Chemistry Letters 2, 130-131 (2000).

28. W. Warsito, Utomo, M.B. & S. Uchida, “Ultrasonic computed tomography for measuring cross-sectional distributions of solid and gas concentrations in three-phase bubbly flow,” Japanese J. Multiphase Flow 14 (4), 434-441(2000).

29. Y. Suzuki, W. Warsito, M. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Effects of Frequency and Aeration on Ultrasonic Induced Decomposition of Surfactant,” Chem. Eng. Technol. 22, 507-510, 1999.

30. W. Warsito, M. Ohkawa, N. Kawata & S. Uchida, “Cross-sectional Distributions of Gas and Solid Concentrations in a Slurry Bubble Column Measured by Ultrasonic Computed Tomography,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 54, 4711-4728 (1999).

31. Y. Suzuki, W. Warsito, M. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Ultrasonic enhancement of photo-catalytic oxidation of surfactant,” International J. of Photoenergy 1, pp.55-60, 1999.

32. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Radial Solid Concentration Profiles in a Slurry Bubble Column Measured by Ultrasonic Method,” J. Chem. Eng. Japan 30(5), 786-792 (1997).

33. W. Warsito, M. Ohkawa, A. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Flow Structure and Phase Distributions in Slurry Bubble Column,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 52, 21/22, 3941-3947(1997).

34. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Hydrodynamics Analysis in Slurry Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Technique,” Reports of The Graduate School of Electronic Science and Technology 17, Shizuoka University, 131-136 (1996).

35. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “A Model for Simultaneous Measurement of Gas and Solid Holdups in a Bubble Column,” Canadian J. Chem. Eng. 73, 734-743 (1995).

36. S. Uchida & W. Warsito, “Measurement of Gas and Solid Holdups in a Slurry Bubble Column Using Technique, Chemical Engineering 37, 27-32 (1994).

37. Wang Fei, W. Warsito, Q. Marashdeh, and L.S. Fan, “Imaging Horizontal Gas/Solid Jet Penetration in A Gas-solid Fluidized Bed Using Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography,” Proceedings of AIChE Annual Meeting, P124454, Philadelpia, 2008.

38. Q. Marashdeh, W. Fei, W. Warsito, and L.-S. Fan “Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography 3D Velocimetry,” Proc. Of 3rd International Workshop of Industrial Process Tomography (IWPT-3), 17-19 April, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.

39. B. Du, Q. Marashdeh, W. Warsito, A.-H. A. Park and L S Fan, “Development of Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) and Electrostatic Tomography (EST) for 3D Density Imaging of Fluidized Bed System,” ECI Conference on The 12th International Conference on Fluidization – New Horizons in Fluidization Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, May 13-17, 2007, pp. 472-480.

40. W. Warsito, Q. Marashdeh, & L.S. Fan, “Real Time Volumetric Imaging of Multiphase Flows using electrical capacitance tomography,” Proc. of the 5th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Bergen, Norway (2007).

41. Q. Marashdeh, W. Warsito, & L.S. Fan, “Real Time Volumetric Imaging of Multiphase Flows using electrical capacitance tomography,” Proc. of the 5th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Bergen, Norway (2007).

42. W. Warsito, Q. Marashdeh, & L.S. Fan, “Real Time 3-Dimensional Electrical Capacitance Tomography (3D-ECT): Sensor Design and Image Reconstruction,” Proc. of the 4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Aizu, Japan (2005).

43. Q. Marashdeh, W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Neural Network Solution for the forward problem in electrical capacitance tomography,” Proc. of the 4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Aizu, Japan (2005).

44. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Development of three-dimensional electrical capacitance tomography” Proc. of 3rd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Banff, Canada, 2-5 Sept. 2003.

45. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan,“Real Time and Quasi-3D Imaging of Gas-Liquid Flow Using Electrical Capacitance Tomography” Proc. of the 4th ASME-JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 6-11, 2003.

46. W. Warsito & Fan, L.S., “ECT imaging of three-phase fluidized bed based on three-phase capacitance model,” Proc. of the 17th Intl Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Hong Kong, China, August, 2002.

47. W. Warsito & Fan, L.S, “Flow dynamics of gas-solid fluidized bed with evaporative liquid jet injection measured by real time electrical capacitance tomography,” Proc. of the 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, Australia, July, 2002.

48. Y. Suzuki, W. Warsito, A. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “The Kinetics of surfactant degradation induced by ultrasound,” Proc. of 2nd Asia-Pacific Chem. Reaction Engng Sympo. ’99 (APCRE’99) HONG KONG, July, 1999.

49. Y. Suzuki, W. Warsito, A. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Effect of Aeration on Ultrasonic Induced Degradation of Surfactant,” Proc. of 6th Asian Conf. on Fluidized-Beds and Three-Phase Reactors (ASCON FBR ’98), Cheju, Korea, Dec., 1998, pp. 249-253

50. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Distributions of Gas and Solid Holdups in Slurry bubble Column Measured by Ultrasonic Method,” Proc. of 5th World Congress of Chem. Engng, A. I. Ch. E., San Diego, USA, July, 1996, 271- 276.

51. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Bubble-wake and Particle Diffusion Model to Predict the Radial Solid Concentration Profiles in Three-Phase Fluidized Bed,” Proc. of 5th Asian Conf. on Fluidized-Beds & Three-Phase Reactors (ASCON FBR ’96), Hsitou, Taiwan, Dec. 1996, pp. 131-136.

52. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Method for Simultaneous Measurement of Gas, Liquid and Solid Holdups in Slurry Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Technique,” Proc. Of 4th Asian Conf. on Fluidized-Beds and Three-Phase Reactors, (ASCON FBR ’94), Fukuoka, 1994, pp. 131-136.

Book Chapters

53. S. Uchida, A. Maezawa, W. Warsito, M. Ohkawa, N. Kawata and S. Okamura, “Measurement of Cross-Sectional Distributions of Gas and Solid Concentrations in a Slurry Bubble Column by Ultrasonic Computed Tomography,” SCEJ Symposium Series 59: Bubble Column and Slurry Bubble Column, 1999.

54. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, T. Kazuyori, S. Uchida and S. Okamura, “Measurement of Gas and Two-Solid Holdups in Two-Particle Suspended Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Method,” SCEJ Symposium Series Vol. 50: Bubble Column and Slurry Bubble Column, pp.120-125, 1996.

Conference Proceedings, Abstracts, Reports and Presentations

55. Qussai M. Marashdeh, Mohammad Hadi, L.S. Fan, and W. Warsito, ”On the ECT Sensor Based Dual Imaging Modality System for Electrical Permittivity and Conductivity Measurements,” AIChE Spring National Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 24-27 April 2006, #245 – Measurement Methods in Particle Technology – Three-dimensional Techniques (TWA14)

56. B Du, W Warsito, LS Fan, “Transient 3-Dimensional Behavior of Gas-Solid Fluidization Measured Using Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (Ecvt),” AIChE Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, OH, March, 2005.

57. B. Du, W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Choking study in circulating fluidized bed using 3D-ECT,” with Bing Du and L.S. Fan, AIChE Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, November, 2004.

58. W. Warsito, “Fluidization: Key technology for Indonesian chemical industries,” Seminar Nasional Teknologi Proses Kimia, Jakarta, 31 March, 2004.

59. W. Warsito, “State of the art experimental techniques for bioreactor design and analysis,” Plenary Section, Conference on Industrial Enzyme and Biotechnology (CIEB ’03), Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct. 2003.

60. B. Du, W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Real time, 3-D ECT imaging of multiphase flow systems,” Paper 509c, AIChE Annual Meeting in San Francisco, November 16-21, 2003.

61. B. Du, W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Axial Variations of Solids Flow Structures in Dense Fluidization Regime of a Circulating Fluidized Bed,” Paper 37a, AIChE Annual Meeting in San Francisco, November 16-21, 2003.

62. B. Du, W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Choking Phenomena in Gas-Solid Fluidization Systems,” with L.S. Fan and Bing Du, AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov. 3-8, 2002.

63. W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Study on Transient Phenomena of Bubbles in Bubble Column and Three-phase Fluidized Bed Using ECT,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nov. 3-8, 2002.

64. B. Du, W. Warsito & L.S. Fan, “Solids Flow Behavior in a Turbulent Fluidized Bed under High Temperatures and Pressures with Fines Addition,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, USA, 4-9 (2001).

65. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida and S. Okamura, “Measurements of Gas and Solid Holdups in Gas-Liquid-Solid Dispersion Systems Using Ultrasonic Technique,” Proc. of Muroran Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Muroran, Japan, July 1992, A111.

66. W. Warsito and Fan, L.S, “Development of Measuring Technique for 3-D Bubble Velocity in Two-phase System using Electrical Capacitance Tomography,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, USA, Nov. 4-9, 2001.

67. M.B, Utomo, W. Warsito & S. Uchida, “Analysis of hydrodynamics of slurry bubble column with TiO2 using ultrasonic computed tomography,” Proc. of the 5th Intl Symposium on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, August, 2001.

68. W. Warsito and Fan, L.S, “Real Time Flow Structures in Bubble Column and Dense Three-Phase Fluidized Beds Measured by Electrical Capacitance Tomography,” Proc. Of Intl. Conf. on Multiphase Flow, New Orleans, LA, July, 2001.

69. Marsudi B. Utomo, W. Warsito & S. Uchida, “Measurement of Cross-Sectional Distributions of Gas and Solid Holdup using Neural Network-Ultrasonic Computed Tomography (NN-UCT)”, Proc. of The 2nd Conference of Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow, International Session, Kita Kyushu, 165-168 (2001).

70. L.S. Fan, W. Warsito, D.J. Lee & G.Q. Yang, “Experimental Frontiers in Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Flow Systems,” Proc. of International Conference on Computed Fluid Dynamics, Quebec City, Canada, August, 2000.

71. Y. Suzuki, H. Arakawa, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Okamura, S. Uchida & M. Yano, “Solid catalyst solid-liquid separation using ultrasonic illumination, Proc. of 32nd Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Kanazawa, July 1999.

72. Y. Suzuki, H. Arakawa, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Okamura, S. Uchida & M. Yano, “Ultraviolet-Ultrasonic Continuous Treatment of Surfactant Containing Waste Water, Proc. of 64th Natl Meeting,” The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Nagoya, March 1999, L105.

73. Y. Suzuki, H. Arakawa, M. Tessyu, T. Kubo, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & M. Yano, “Ultrasonic Enhancement on Surfactant Containing Waste Water Treatment Using Ultraviolet Irradiation, Proc. of 64th Natl Meeting,” The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Nagoya, March 1999, L104.

74. W. Warsito , M. Ohkawa, N. Kawata, A. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Phase Distributions and Flow Pattern in Slurry Bubble Column Measured by Ultrasonic Computed Tomography, Proc. of 64th Natl Meeting,” The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Nagoya, March 1999, S304.

75. M. Ohkawa, N. Kawata, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Application of Ultrasonic Computed Tomography for Measurement of Cross-Sectional Distributions of Gas and Solid Holdups in Slurry Bubble Column,” Proc. of 64th Natl Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Nagoya, March 1999, K125.

76. Y. Suzuki, H. Arakawa, W. Warsito, A. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Ultrasonic enhancement of photo-catalytic oxidation of surfactant,” Proc. of International Symposium on Photoenergy (SOLAR’99), Cairo, Egypt, March, 1999.

77. Y. Suzuki, M. Tessyu, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Okamura, S. Uchida & M. Yano, “Effect of Aeration on Ultrasonic Degradation of Surfactant Contained in Waste Water,” Proc. of 31st Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Yonezawa, Sept. 1998, N303.

78. M. Ohkawa, N. Kawata, W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Analysis on Hydrodynamics of Slurry Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Computed Tomography, Proc. of 31st Autumn Symposium,” The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Yonezawa, Sept. 1998, O102.

79. Y. Suzuki, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & M. Yano, “Ultrasonic Degradation of Surfactant Contained in Waste Water,” Proc. of Muroran Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Osaka, August 1998, D214.

80. Y. Suzuki, M. Yamamoto, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Okamura, S.Uchida & M. Yano, “Treatment of Surfactant Containing Waste Water Using Ultrasonic Irradiation,” Proc. of 63rd Natl Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Osaka, March 1998, D303.

81. M. Ohkawa, W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Development of Ultrasonic Computed Tomography for Measuring Gas and Solid Holdup Distribution in Slurry Bubble Column,” Proc. of 63rd Natl Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Osaka, March 1998, P307.

82. W. Warsito, M. Ohkawa, N. Kawata, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura., “Development of Ultrasonic Computed Tomography to Measure Cross-Sectional Distributions of Gas and Solid Concentrations in a       Three-Phase Reactor,” Proc. of Joint Int Conf. on Advanced Sci. and Technol. (JICAST ’98), Hamamatsu, Japan, August 1998, pp. 74-77.

83. W. Warsito, M. Ohkawa, A. Maezawa & S. Uchida, “Flow Structure and Phase Distributions in a Slurry Bubble Column,” Proc. of 3rd Int Conf. on Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engng (GLS ’97), Shonan, Japan, Dec. 1997.

84. W. Warsito, M. Ohkawa, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Non-invasive and Simultaneous Measurement of Gas and Solid Holdup Distributions in Slurry Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Computed Tomography,” Proc. of 4th Japan-Germany Sympo. on Bubble Column, Kyoto, Dec. 1997,247-152.

85. A. Maezawa, Y. Suzuki, W. Warsito, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Surfactant Degradation Induced by Ultrasonic Irradiation, Proc. of 30th Autumn Symposium,” The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Fukuoka, Sept. 1997, H120.

86. M. Ohkawa, W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Non-invasive and Simultaneous Measurement of Gas and Solid Holdups in Slurry Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Technique,” Proc. of 30th Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Fukuoka, Sept. 1997, G120.

87. M. Ohkawa, W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Simultaneous Measurement of Gas and Solid Holdup Distributions in a Slurry Bubble Column Using a Novel Ultrasonic Penetration Technique,” Proc. of 62nd Natl Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Tokyo, March 1997, E108.

88. W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Simultaneous Measurement of Gas and Solid Holdups in a Slurry Bubble Column Using a Novel Ultrasonic Penetration Technique,” Proc. of 29th Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Kyoto, Sept. 1996, H109.

89. W. Warsito , M. Ono, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Prediction of Radial Distribution of Solid Concentration Profiles in Slurry Bubble Column Using Bubble Wake and Particle Diffusion Model,” Proc. of 61st Natl Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Nagoya, March 1996, N302.

90. W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Measurement of Radial Distribution of Solid Holdup in a Slurry Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Technique,” Proc. of 61st Natl Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Nagoya, March 1996, N301.

91. W. Warsito, M. Ohkawa & S. Uchida, “Hydrodynamics of Three-Phase Fluidized-bed Measured by Ultrasonic Penetration Technique,” Proc. Of Regional Sympo. on Chem. Engng, Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct.1996, pp. 1-15-1 -1-15-6.

92. W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, T. Kazuyori, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Measurement of Gas and Two-Solid Holdups in Two-Particle Suspended Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Method,” Proc. of 28th Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Sapporo, Sept. 1995, T112.

93. W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Radial Distribution Profiles of Solid Concentration in Three-Phase Fluidized-Beds Measured by Ultrasonic Technique,” Proc. of 60th Natl Meeting, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Osaka, March 1995, E207.

94. W. Warsito , A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Effect of Solid Particles on Bubble in Slurry Bubble Column,” Proc. of 27th Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Tokyo Japan, Sept. 1994, Nagoya, J114.

95. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Hydrodynamics Analysis in Slurry Bubble Column Using Ultrasonic Technique,” Proc. of 26th Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Kyoto, Sept. 1993, R304.

96. W. Warsito, A. Maezawa, S. Uchida & S. Okamura, “Measurements of Gas and Solid Holdups and Liquid Velocity in Gas-Liquid-Solid Dispersion Systems Using Ultrasonic Technique,” Proc. of 25th Autumn Symposium, The Soc. Chem. Engineers, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 1992, D104.

Teorema Gauss-Green dan Persamaan Maxwell untuk listrik magnet bukan hanya sekedar untuk dipelajari agar lulus SBMPTN, atau untuk ngajar less privat fisika agar lulus SBMPTN, atau agar menang menjadi juara Olimpiade Fisika sekalipun. 

Elon Musk menggunakannya untuk membuat mobil listrik. Itu juga yang menjadi dasar untuk membunuh sel kanker dengan medan listrik di dalam ECCT, untuk menangkap aktifitas otak manusia dalam ECVT, dan untuk "memelorotkan" lemak tubuh dalam ECBS.

Cerita Warsito, Beratnya Perjuangan Peneliti di Indonesia

Selasa 01 Dec 2015 15:25 WIB

Rep: c11 / Red: Dwi Murdaningsih

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan (Balitbang Kemenkes) menghentikan riset yang dilakukan oleh Warsito Purwo Taruno, penemu teknologi ECVT. Pencabutan izin riset ini dilakukan karena temuannya dianggap tidak berbasis ilmiah.

Warsito merupakan penerima penghargaan BJ Habibie Technology Award (BJHTA) kedelapan. Penghargaan ini diberikan karena temuan Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECTV). Warsito mengatakan, ECVT merupakan pendeteksi kanker otak dan payudara yang bekerja dengan memanfaatkan energi yang terbuang.

Salah satu turunan teknologi ECVT, ujar Warsito, adalah aplikasi untuk terapi kanker, Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT). Aplikasi ini telah didaftarkan paten Indonesia pada 2012.

Menurut Warsito, ECCT dan ECVT itu setara dengan radioterapi untuk terapi maupun CT scan untuk pemindai dengan sumber gelombang elektromagnet pengion. Bedanya, ia menambahkan, ECVT dan ECCT memanfaatkan sifat dasar biofisika sel dan jaringan.

Warsito menilai, Balitbang Kemenkes merupakan 'bapak' dalam penelitian mereka. Dari lembaga pemerintah inilah penelitian Warsito bisa dimulai dan menghasilkan temuan hingga saat ini. Mengetahui pemerintah telah mengeluarkan surat penghentian penelitiannya, Warsito mengaku kaget dan berat untuk diterima.

"Berat perjuangan peneliti di Indonesia," ujar Warsito kepada Republika.co.id, Selasa (1/12). 

Berdasarkan regulasi, Warsito menerangkan, kewenangan ihwal penghentian atau jalannya aktivitas penelitian berada pada otonomi daerah. Sementara, pemerintah hanya mengimbau, termasuk perintah penghentian penelitian melalui surat yang dikeluarkan Kemenkes.

Sejauh ini, Warsito mengaku, telah berdiskusi dengan Pemerintah Kota Tangerang. Bahkan, wali kota juga telah menyatakan, dukungan atas temuannya itu. Namun, menurut dia, dukungan pemerintah kota tampaknya tidak terlalu memberikan pengaruh kuat mengingat pusat telah mengeluarkan surat perintah.


Pria Asal Karanganyar yang Karyanya Dipakai NASA

klik GNFI

Akhyari Hananto

28 JANUARI 2016 09.05 WIB 

Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) memberikan penghargaan Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Technology Award (BJHTA) 2015 lalu pada ahli tomografi Tanah Air Dr Warsito Purwo Taruno MEng. Penghargaan tersebut diberikan kepada Dr Warsito atas karyanya pada pengembangan "Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography" (ECVT) yang banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan para penderita kanker. "Penghargaan ini diberikan kepada anak bangsa yang berhasil menciptakan karya-karya yang berjasa bagi mayarakat banyak," ujar Kepala BPPT Dr Ir Unggul Priyanto MSc.
"Banyak lembaga dunia telah menggunakan ECVT untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut seperti NASA, Kyoto University, Ohio State University dan lainnya. Teknologi ini digunakan untuk memindai tabung gas, pendeteksian aktivitas dan disfungsi otak, hingga pemindaian kanker payudara," jelas Unggul. ECVT merupakan pemindai berbasis medan listrik statis yang telah diaplikasikan secara luas di dunia industri dan medis.

ECVT mempunyai konsep yang berbeda dengan tomografi konvensional seperti CT-Scan dan MRI. Tomografi konvensional menggunakan prinsip pemindaian tertutup (obyek harus diletakkan di ruang tertutup dikelilingi oleh sensor-sensor pemindai), sementara ECVT menggunakan konsep pemindaian terbuka yang berarti objek tidak harus diletakkan di ruang tertutup dan bisa diletakkan dimana saja tanpa harus dikelilingi sensor. ECVT juga dapat digunakan dalam bidang proses kimia yaitu teknologi piranti lunak untuk komputasi aliran fluida di dalam reaktor kimia.

"Dalam aplikasi di dunia medis, ECVT memberikan alternatif sistem pemindaian dengan biaya murah, bebas radiasi, deteksi seketika atas kelainan fisiologis dalam payudara, epilepsi, Alzheimer, dan disfungsi otak lainnya," kata Warsito. Warsito menjelaskan teknologi yang dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan sumber gelombang yang dianggap tidak berguna atau pinggir. Setelah diamati, gelombang pinggir tersebut mengandung informasi yang bermanfaat. "Gelombang pinggir tersebut tersebar dan banyak."

Hal itu, yang dikembangkan untuk melakukan pemindaian. Turunan dari aplikasi tersebut, dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghambat sel kanker. Sel mengandung muatan listrik, sementara gelombang mengandung listrik dan magnet. Jika berinteraksi maka membuat sel bermutasi. "Sel kanker membelah dengan sangat cepat. Proses pembelahan tersebut dihambat dengan medan listrik, kalau membelah tidak sempurna maka sel tersebut akan bunuh diri," terang Warsito. Sekitar 78 persen penderita kanker yang menggunakan alat ciptaan Warsito terbukti bisa bertahan hidup lebih lama. Hal itu berbeda dengan pengobatan medis, yang sangat kecil harapan hidupnya terutama pada kanker stadium lanjut.

Warsito lahir di Karanganyar pada 15 Mei 1967 dan menjadi peserta program beasiswa Habibie Overseas Fellowship pada 1987. Warsito menyelesaikan studi sarjana dan magister pada jurusan teknik kimia di Shizuoka University dan doktor pada jurusan teknik elektro di universitas yang sama. Sejumlah penghargaan diraihnya mulai dari luar negeri dan dalam negeri. Warsito saat ini juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Umum Masyarakat Ilmuwan dan Teknologi Indonesia (MITI). (Antara)

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