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Ibnu Al Awwam




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Mengenal Ibnu Al-Awwam, Ahli Pertanian Andalusia

Pemikirannya memberikan pengaruh terhadap revolusi pertanian dunia Islam.

Senin , 30 Apr 2018, 16:42 WIB


Red: Agung Sasongko

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ketekunan Ibnu al-Awwam membuahkan hasil. Ia menyandang predikat sebagai ahli pertanian terpandang. Melalui karyanya, ia menggambarkan bagaimana dirinya betul-betul mengusai bidang yang digeluti. Bahkan, situasi politik yang tak stabil pada masanya tak menyurutkan langkahnya mendalami ilmu dan menuliskan karya gemilang.

Ilmuwan bernama lengkap Abu Zakariya Yahya ibnu Muhammad ibnu Ahmad al- Awwam al-Ishbili ini hidup sekitar abad ke-12. Sumbangan pemikirannya mampu memberi dampak positif bagi terus berseminya periode revolusi pertanian pada masa pemerintahan Islam.

Ia menghasilkan karya luar biasa dalam bidang pertanian dan peternakan. Judulnya Kitab al-Filaha atau Buku tentang Pertanian. Ini adalah salah satu literatur bidang pertanian yang begitu penting di dunia Islam. Secara keseluruhan, kitab ini terdiri atas 34 bab. Sebanyak 30 bab menjelaskan pertanian dan empat bab terakhir membahas peternakan.

Pada bagian pertama, Ibnu al-Awwam menjelaskan secara sistematis bagaimana memilih tanah yang akan dijadikan lahan pertanian. Ia memperkirakan kesuburan tanah. Penyiapan lahan pertanian juga mencakup ketersediaan sumber air. Maka itu, ia menaruh perhatian besar pada bidang hidrologi sebagai bagian integral dari sektor pertanian.

Melalui tulisannya, ia pun menjelaskan bagaimana membuat saluran air dan cara mendistribusikannya. Hal lain yang ia sampaikan adalah aspek sebelum dan setelah tanam. Bagi Ibnu al-Awwam, hal itu menjadi titik krusial. Sehingga, memandang perlu pengenalan bibit unggul serta jenis tanaman yang sesuai ditanam di bidang lahan tertentu.

Di samping itu, ia mendata sebanyak 585 jenis tanaman. Lengkap dengan cara memeliharanya, seperti pemberantasan hama, penyembuhan dari berbagai penyakit, dan metode panen. Lalu, ada cara penyimpanan biji-bijian serta buah-buahan basah dan kering. Seluruh tema itu diuraikan dengan komprehensif.

Bagian kedua Kitab al-Filaha berbicara mengenai peternakan. Pembahasannya meliputi perawatan ternak, seperti domba, unta, unggas, bagaimana mencegah penyebaran bibit penyakit, dan masih banyak lagi. Tak hanya itu, Ibn al-Awwam memberikan penjelasan cara menyembuhkan ternak yang sakit.

Terdapat bab khusus tentang kuda. Pada bab ini, Ibnu al-Awwam menjelaskan perawatan dan beternak kuda. Cara menunggang kuda dengan membawa atau tanpa senjata tertulis dalam Kitab al-Filaha. Peternakan lebah untuk diambil madunya mendapatkan porsi pula di dalam buku yang ditulisnya.


Anda kah pejuang pertanian angkatan berikutnya?


silakan baca hingga tuntas dan bila merasa tulisan ini bermanfaat, silakan menyebarluaskannya.


dalam manual Islamic Farming: hal: 41

*penerapan kitab al-filaha di afrika.


Membahas teknik tumpang sari (intercropping).

Al-quran telah mencontohkan teknik tumpang sari secara detil, ingat design kebun di surat al-kahfi ayat 32? Dua kebun anggur yang dikelilingi tanaman kurma, dan diantara pohon-pohon anggur itu ditanami berbagai jenis tanaman. Selain itu, al-quran ketika berbicara jenis-jenis tanaman selalu disebutkan secara berdampingan.


Tanaman produktif apa saja yang cocok ditanam berdampingan ?


Sejak dulu, masyarakat asli benua amerika mengenal tiga tanaman yang disebut 'the three sisters' (tiga saudari). Ketiganya yakni jagung, legume, dan labu, ditanam berdekatan. Legume merambati jagung -menjaganya agar tidak mudah tumbang oleh angin kencang. Akar legume juga mengikat nitrogen di tanah, menyediakan nutrisi bagi tanaman jagung dan labu. Labu dengan daun-daunnya yang lebar dan lebat berfungsi sebagai mulsa hidup! Sinar matahari yang terhalang sampai ke permukaan tanah oleh daun-daun labu menghambat tumbuhnya gulma.


Sederhana, namun mengagumkan


Aspek lain dalam pertanian yakni pendekatan yang disebut 'companion planting'. Seperti manusia, beberapa tanaman ada yang berteman, ada juga yang bermusuhan. Rencana penanaman anda mestinya menggabungkan jenis tanaman yang berteman. Bentuk tumpang sari ini memiliki banyak sekali keunggulan, antara lain :


Nitrogen fixing, menyuburkan tanah -Legume (kacang-kacangan), seperti yang disebutkan di atas 


beberapa tanaman menarik serangga yang menguntungkan, seperti kepik. Yang mana serangga ini memangsa hama 


beberapa tanaman mengusir hama, biasanya dikarenakan aromanya yang kuat


beberapa tanaman bisa berfungsi sebagai 'windbreaker', seperti pohon kurma yang mengelilingi kebun anggur, batangnya yang kokoh mampu menahan angin kencang agar tidak sampai merusak tanaman anggur di dalamnya


'trap cropping', tanaman ini di tempatkan di luar area kebun. Mereka menarik hama agar tertuju kepadanya, jadi hama tidak masuk ke area kebun


tanaman yang bervariasi dalam satu petak akan membingungkan hama. Hama lebih tertuju pada target yang mudah, yang mana terlihat sama bentuknya, baunya, tingginya, dlsb


Ringkasnya, tanaman yang berteman ini dapat melindungi satu sama lain dari angin kencang atau cuaca, berperan sebagai pengecoh hama, menarik serangga predator yang memangsa hama, atau penyedia nutrisi, membantu secara fisik, atau menaungi tanaman lain.


Berikut adalah beberapa pedoman 'companion planting':


ALIUM (bawang-bawangan, termasuk daun prei) | membantu: pohon-pohon buah, tomat, cabai, wortel, kentang, kubis-kubisan (kol, brokoli, dll) |

Dibantu oleh: wortel |

Menjauhkan: siput telanjang, kumbang penghisap, lalat wortel, ulat kubis |

Jangan tanam bersama: legume -kacang-kacangan, polong-polongan, peterseli


BRASIKA (kubis-kubisan dan sawi-sawian) | membantu: kentang, sereal (jagung, gandum, dll) | dibantu oleh: adas, bawang-bawangan, rosemary | 

Menjauhkan: ulat kawat | 

Jangan tanam bersama: tomat, cabai 


Legume -kacang-kacangan | membantu: jagung, wortel, timun, terong, seledri, polong-polongan, kentang, sawi-sawian, lobak, rosemary, adas, strawberi, mint | 

Dibantu oleh: terong, summer savory | 

Menjauhkan: kumbang kalifornia | 

Jangan tanam bersama: tomat, cabai, bawang-bawangan | 

Catatan: akarnya menjadi tempat hidup bakteri-bakteri pengikat nitrogen; membantu menyuburkan beberapa tanaman, namun dapat berlebihan bagi beberapa jenis tanaman lain


WORTEL | membantu: tomat (namun wortel dapat mengerdil), bawang-bawangan, selada | 

Dibantu oleh: bawang-bawangan (tidak disukai lalat wortel), rosemary, kacang-kacangan, linum (menghasilkan minyak yang bisa melindungi sayur jenis akar-akaran seperti wortel dari beberapa hama | 

Mengundang: kepik leher, lalat jala, tawon parasit, tawon jaket kuning, dan tawon-tawon pemangsa hama lainnya (wortel harus dibiarkan berbunga agar dapat mengundang serangga-serangga bermanfaat) | 

Jangan tanam bersama: adas lobak 


JAGUNG | membantu: legume -kacang-kacangan |

Dibantu oleh: bunga matahari, legume -kacang-kacangan, polong-polongan, labu, ketimun, melon, bayam amaranth, bunga terompet, kentang | 

Jangan tanam bersama: tomat, seledri |


TIMUN | membantu: jagung | 

Dibantu oleh: kacang-kacangan, lobak, bunga matahari, wortel |

Mengundang: berbagai kumbang tanah | 

Jangan tanam bersama: tomat 


TERONG | membantu: kacang-kacangan, cabai | 

Dibantu oleh: mint, bunga tahi ayam (menghalangi cacing gilig)


CABAI | membantu: marjoram manis |

Dibantu oleh: tomat | 

Catatan: tanaman cabai menyukai kelembaban tinggi, yang bisa dibantu oleh tanaman-tanaman berdaun lebat atau penutup tanah, cabai juga membutuhkan sinar matahari langsung, namun buahnya dapat rusak olehnya. Beberapa cabai yang tumbuh berdekatan, atau bersama tomat, dapat melindungi buahnya dari paparan sinar matahari, serta meningkatkan kadar kelembaban 


LABU (termasuk gambas, pare, melon, dll) | membantu: jagung, kacang-kacangan | 

Mengundang: laba-laba, kumbang-kumbang tanah


Tomat | membantu: cabai, mawar, asparagus |

Dibantu oleh: kemangi, wortel, bawang-bawangan, seledri | 

Jangan tanam bersama: jagung, adas, kentang, sawi-sawian, rosemary | 

Catatan: menanam tomat bersama basil (semacam kemangi) tidak meningkatkan rasa tomat, namun penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menanam keduanya sejauh kurang lebih 25 cm dapat meningkatkan hasil panen tomat hingga 20% 


Selain melakukan sistem tumpang sari, cobalah membuat beberapa bedeng atau plot sehingga beberapa kombinasi tanaman dapat dirotasi dari musim ke musim. Dengan kedua cara ini (intercropping dan rotasi), selain sumber makanan beragam, nutrisi tanah seimbang, hama pun bingung mau makan di mana. 


AbĆ« Zakariyā Yaáž„yā ibn Muáž„ammad ibn Aáž„mad ibn al-‘Awwām,  better known as Ibn al-‘Awwām al-IshbÄ«lÄ«, ‘the Sevillian’, wrote his magisterial Kitāb al-filāងa, ‘Book of Agriculture’, probably towards the end of the 12th century (Ibn al-‘Awwām 1988, I, p. 17). Although he does not appear in any of the biographies, he is the only agronomist mentioned by the historian Ibn KhaldĆ«n (1332–1406) in his Muqaddima (Ibn KhaldĆ«n 1967, p. 388), and is noted too by the early 15th century encyclopedist Al-QalqashandÄ«. Neither, however, gives any further biographical details (GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez 1992, p. 991). Textual evidence in his treatise indicates that Ibn al-‘Awwām farmed and carried out successful agricultural experiments in the Aljarafe district to the west of Seville (as did his predecessors AbĆ«’l-Khayr and Ibn Hajjāj), where he was probably an aristocratic landowner (GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez 1992, p. 992). Since he is not mentioned in any other capacity or position it seems likely that he dedicated his life solely to agricultural pursuits, the only Andalusi agronomist to do so apart from Ibn BaáčŁáčŁÄl. This is about all we know of the man. Yet his work is the most renowned of all the Andalusi agronomists because it was the first to be published and translated into a modern language, initially into Spanish by Banqueri in 1802, then into French by ClĂ©ment-Mullet in 1864–67, and subsequently into Urdu in 1927. It was thus for a long time the only source of reference on medieval Andalusi agronomy. Moreover it is one of the few works of this genre that has come down to us more or less complete.

Ibn al-‘Awwām’s Kitāb al-filāងa is, without doubt, the most comprehensive agricultural treatise in Arabic. He gathers all the knowledge of his time concerning agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry into a huge compendium of excerpts from all the previous agronomical traditions and treatises. From 112 named authors (Ibn al-‘Awwām, Banqueri 1802, I, pp. 61-2) he includes one thousand nine hundred direct and indirect citations – 615 or 32.5% from Byzantine sources, especially from Cassianus Bassus, 585 or 31% from Near Eastern sources, 85% of which are from Ibn Waáž„shÄ«ya, and 690 citations or 36.5 % from earlier Andalusi agronomists (Glick 2005, pp. 12-13). To these he often adds his own observations and experiences, about which he says: “As for my own contribution, I put forward nothing that I have not first proved by experiment on repeated occasions” (Ibn al-‘Awwām, ClĂ©ment-Mullet 1866, I, p. 9). He records, for example, his experiments in grafting the wild olive of the mountains with the domesticated olive of the plain, and his successful cultivation of saffron, under irrigation, in the mountains (Bolens 1981, p. 30).

Ibn al-‘Awwām’s treatise comprises 34 chapters dealing with all aspects of husbandry – it mentions 585 different plants, explains the cultivation of more than 50 fruit trees, and includes many valuable observations on soils, manures, grafting, and plant diseases (Sarton 1927-48, II, pp. 424-25). Ibn al-‘Awwām also includes an agricultural calendar, one of the few Andalusi agronomists to do so. The last section of his work is devoted to animal husbandry, with chapters on cattle, sheep, goats, camels, horses, mules and donkeys, geese, ducks, chickens, pigeons, peacocks and beekeeping. As well as being of great value and interest for the study of agricultural history, the Kitāb al-filāងa has enabled scholars to reconstruct the original texts of some previous authors whose work has only survived in abridged or fragmented form. In addition, the profusion of references, even though sometimes entangled and difficult to unravel, provides the historian with a wealth of information on the transmission of knowledge. It also presents a unique survey of the agricultural geography of Al-Andalus in the late 12th century, at least in regard to its interior arable land and the valley of the Guadalquivir river.


Ibn al-‘Awwām’s Kitāb al-filāងa is set out in thirty-four chapters (a thirty-fifth, on dogs, was planned but no trace of it has survived). A much reduced summary of its chapter-headings is as follows:

  1. The soil; assessing the type and quality of soils; soil improvement.
  2. Manures and composts; their kinds and qualities; preparation and application.
  3. Water; types and sources of water and their qualities; the construction of wells; the noria; preparing and levelling the land for irrigation by means of the marhifal (sic – prop. murjÄ«qal).
  4. Garden planning; choosing a site; placement of trees.
  5. General propagation and cultivation of trees; from seeds, cuttings, off-shoots, roots and layers.
  6. General planting and care of fruit trees.
  7. The cultivation of particular species of trees, fruit-trees and flowering plants grown in Spain, including the olive, vine, sugar cane, banana, rose and jasmine.
  8. Grafting; methods and most suitable times; species amenable to grafting; the Nabataean, Greek, Persian, Roman, and other types of graft.
  9. Pruning; species that benefit from pruning and those that do not; cutting-back shoots; rejuvenation by pruning.
  10. Tillage of the soil; ploughing, digging, harrowing and hoeing.
  11. Application of manures and composts.
  12. Irrigation of fruit-trees; methods for improving their yield and flavour; sympathies and antipathies among them.
  13. Artificial pollination – the fig, pomegranate, date-palm, pistachio.
  14. Treatment of ailments, diseases and pests that afflict fruit-trees.
  15. Ingenious methods for flavouring, scenting and colouring growing fruits and flowers.
  16. Preservation and conservation of fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains.
  17. QalÄ«b or tillage: preparation of land and amelioration of the soil; ploughing, digging, harrowing, etc.
  18. Grains and legumes that benefit the land.
  19. Sowing grain crops.
  20. Sowing and cultivation of rice, millet, sesame, lentils and haricots.
  21. Sowing and cultivation of beans, chick-peas, fenugreek, lupin, vetch, safflower, etc.
  22. Sowing and cultivation of flax, hemp, cotton, saffron, henna, madder, poppy, lucerne, clover, etc.
  23. Establishing a kitchen garden; sowing, culture and care of leaf vegetables, including lettuce, chicory, purslane, beet, orach, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, sorrel, etc.
  24. Sowing and cultivation of root crops, including carrot, turnip, horse-radish, onion, leek, garlic, sekakul, colocasia, and others.
  25. Sowing and cultivation of cucumber, gherkin, melon, aubergine, marrow, gourd and watermelon.
  26. Cultivation of plants used for seasoning and medicaments including cumin, aniseed, fennel, mustard, coriander, etc.
  27. Cultivation of aromatic and scented plants including gillyflower, lily, water lily, narcissus, violet, mint, lavender, basil, mallow, etc.
  28. Cultivation of diverse kinds of garden plants such as artichoke, celery, rue, oregano, rocket, iris, arum, sumac, asparagus, etc.
  29. Harvesting and storing grain; location of threshing-floors and granaries; deterring harmful insects and pests; talismans; flour milling; preserving fruits and nuts.
  30. A miscellaneous chapter on tree-felling and construction; olive-pressing, distillation of rose-water; preparing raisins, syrups, vinegars, etc.; the farming calendar and agricultural seasons; weather lore.
  31. Care and breeding of cattle, sheep and goats; feeding; treatment of their ailments and infirmities.
  32. Care and breeding of horses, donkeys, mules and camels as riding and draught animals; feeding and training; treating their ailments, infirmities and bad habits; shoeing.
  33. Equine veterinary medicine and surgery.
  34. Poultry-keeping for profit and ornament, including pigeons, peacocks, geese, ducks and chickens; bee-keeping.

(Translated from Ibn al-‘Awwām (1866). Kitāb al-Filāងa, Le Livre de l’Agriculture, 2 vols. French translation by J.-J. ClĂ©ment-Mullet. Paris: Librairie A. Franck)

Published Editions & Translations

These early Spanish and French translations of the Kitāb al-filāងa are unsatisfactory according to Sarton in his Introduction to the History of Science (Sarton 1927-48, vol. 2, p. 44), an opinion which is shared by Leclerc in his Histoire de la medecine Arabe. (Leclerc 1876, vol. 2. p. 111). However, both the Spanish and French translations have recently been revised (?) and republished:

  • Ibn al-‘Awwām (1988). Libro de agricultura (facsimile of 1802 edition, ed. and trans. into Spanish by J. A. Banqueri). 2 vols. Preliminary study and notes by E. GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez and J. E. HernĂĄndez Bermejo. Madrid: Ministerio de A.P.A. and Ministerio de AA. EE.
  • Ibn al-‘Awwām (2000). Le Livre de l’Agriculture. Translated into French by J.J. ClĂ©ment-Mullet.  New edition with an introduction by M. El FaĂŻz. Arles: Actes Sud - Paris: Sindbad.

Some extracts from Ibn al-‘Awwām have been translated into English and published as:

  • Lord, P. (trans) (1979). A Moorish Calendar: from the Book of Agriculture of Ibn al-Awam. Wantage: The Black Swan Press.


The Kitāb al-filāងa of Ibn al-‘Awwām, or summaries of it, or various passages from it, are included in several manuscripts (Ibn al-‘Awwām 1988, pp. 39-40):

  • BibliothĂšque Nationale, Algiers, nÂș 1550, folios 180r-193v
    Part of the summary of the Kitāb al-filāងa. Further information on this manuscript is given in Carabaza et al., 1991: II, pp. 1130-1131.
  • BibliothĂšque GĂ©nĂ©rale, Rabat, nÂș 1410 D, folios 140r-154v
  • Manuscript belonging to M. ‘AzÄ«mān, Tetuan, folios 39v-48v (GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez 1987, p. 340; MillĂĄs Vallicrosa 1954a, pp. 127-140).
    See Carabaza Bravo & GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez 1998, ‘CĂłdices MiscelĂĄneos de AgronomĂ­a AndalusĂ­’, Al-Qantara XIX, p. 403
  • Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, nÂș 6206, giving the whole work, except for the section on animal husbandry.
  • University of Cambridge Library, Cambridge, nÂș 1027 [Cod. Or. 608-8] (Brockelmann 1937-1949: S I, p. 903)
    A summary. See further
  • Leyden University Library, nÂș 1285 [Cod. Or. 346 Warn] (Brockelmann 1937-1949: I, pp. 651-652; Ullmann 1972, pp. 447-448; Voorhoeve 1957, p. 83)
    This ms. comprises the first part (volume 1 of Banqueri’s translation) of Kitāb al-filāងa.
  • British Museum Library, London, nÂș 998 [Add. 01461] (Brockelmann 1937-1949: I, pp. 651-652; Ullmann 1972, pp. 447-448)
    A copy of the ancient manuscript from El Escorial, which is the most complete work to date.
  • Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid, nÂș IX of the Gayangos Collection (TerĂ©s 1975, p. 24)
    Originally from the Escorial collection and the most complete copy known.
  • Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, nos. XCIC, CI-3 and CXII-XIII (Ullmann, 1972, pp. 447-448)
    • A copy of the previous codex (Ms. nÂș IX of the Gayangos Collection Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid)
  • BibliothĂšque Nationale, Paris, nÂș 2804 (Vajda 1953, p. 342)
  • BibliothĂšque Nationale, Paris, nÂș 5754, folios 176v-186r
  • There is also a manuscript of a Turkish translation of the treatise by Ibn al-‘Awwām dated 1065 of the Hegira: it is nÂș 23 in the Library of MusĂ©e (Bursa), and is entitled Terceme i Kitāb al-falāha de AbĆ« ZakarÄ«ya Yahyā b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Avām. It consists of 273 folios. Cf. Sezgin 1986, III, p. 529.

(Sources: Carabaza Bravo & GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez 2001, pp. 101-118, and Carabaza Bravo & GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez, 2009, n.p.)


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Bolens, L. (1981). Agronomes andalous du Moyen-Age. Geneva and Paris: Droz.
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Carabaza Bravo, J.M., GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez, E. & Llavero Ruiz, E. (1991). ‘Obras manuscritas de los geoponos andalusies (siglos X-XII)’. In: Emilio Molina et al. (eds.). Homenaje al Profesor Jacinto Bosch Vila, vol. 2, pp. 1115-1132. Granada: Universidad de Granada.
Carabaza Bravo, J.M., & GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez, E. (1998). ‘CĂłdices MiscelĂĄneos de AgronomĂ­a AndalusĂ­’. Al‑ Qantara 19, pp. 393-416.
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Carabaza Bravo, J.M., & GarcĂ­a SĂĄnchez, E. (2009). ‘Studies on the agronomy of Al-Andalus’. Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e [Online] 126.
Crispo-Moncada, C. (1893a). ‘Sul taglio della vite di Ibn al-‘Awwām’. In: Actes du 8e CongrĂšs des Orientalistes (Stockholm and Christiania, 1889), vol 1, pp. 217-257. Leiden: Brill.
Crispo-Moncada, C. (1893b). ‘Publication et traduction de nouveaux passages Ă  l’oeuvre d’Ibn al ‘Awwām’. In: Actes du 8e CongrĂšs des Orientalistes (Stockholm and Christiania, 1889), vol 2, pp. 217-257. Leiden: Brill.
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Glick, T.F. (2005). Art. ‘Agronomy’. In: Thomas F. Glick, Steven John Livesey, Faith Wallis, eds. Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: an Encyclopedia. Routledge, pp. 12-13.
HernĂĄndez Bermejo, J.E. & Garcia SĂ nchez, E. (1988). La Figura de Ibn al-Awwam y el Significado de su ‘Tratado de Agricultura’ dentro de la Escuela AgronĂłmica Andalusi. Madrid: Ministerio Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion.
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